Monday 25 January 2010


Macro elements of our thriller:
to start with only have us three girls in our group, so if we do the story line we want to do we will have to not show the face of one of the characters.
for the narrative we have decided to base it on Hard Candy where a girl and man meet on an internet chat room. will we use this as our title sequence, with the writing on the screen. then they will meet up and we'll have them running through the forest. we have decided to only have 2 characters because we have 3 in our group and need to be able to film. so because we're all girls we will have to have one of us wearing lots of clothes and masculine things to make them look more like a man.
the atmosphere will be dark and uncertain because of the fact that it is a thriller. when we are in the forest it will be darker than out in the open because the trees will hide the light which will hel to set the scene.

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